Looking forward to Work Every day?

You must be a chronic geek or on a super diet to expect that! Specially if you are a fresher, picturing something like this is totally insane. Well, nothing to pull your morale down or something, this is just a pure reality check! You might have managed to fetch the perfect enviable job after much caliber storming, but don’t expect it to be so flowery just at the beginning.

Did we just hear, ‘I-am-so-brimming-over-with-energy-to-impress’? Well, good for you, but keep that for little later stages. You might have to just sit idle for quite a few days or even months, in worst cases, until the Corporate God (Wasn’t God supposed to be one? Anyhow), smiles at you and delegates you work.

So, how to make the best use of that ‘Not-enough-work’ time and do something really substantial? There are better things to do when not working than to just stare at the monitor, trying to give an impression that there could not be a busier professional on planet earth than you! Observe people around you, and browse the internet, diversify your knowledge base, read anything related to your forte or otherwise which might help you. Take initiative to share extra work from your seniors even if it seems/means selling your ego for peanuts (Trust us, you never know, you might be on camera, and your generosity clicks?).

Try these tricks and then probably you would realize, sometimes it is just best to do nothing, even at workplaces! Well, only if you get the intent right!